103% capacity at Hyundai Oilbank, Korea

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 27 Sep 2012 13:34

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Hyundai Oilbank, Korea launched the second Heavy Oil Upgrade (HOU) project with Topsoe in 2008 and the project was completed in June 2011 - ahead of schedule. The performance guarantee test was performed at 103% capacity fulfilling all guarantied parameters on quantity, quality and energy consumption.

Topsoe delivered license, Basis Engineering Design Package and catalyst for a 122,900 Nm3/h hydrogen plant including a pre-desulphurization unit (PDS unit) as well as extended services during construction, precommissioning, commissioning and start-up.

The hydrogen plant is a Topsøe low energy hydrogen plant designed for processing of multiple feedstocks ranging from ARDS membrane off gas to heavy naphtha. The hydrogen is consumed in the ARDS (Atmospheric Residue Desulphurisation) and the RFCC (Residue Fluidized Catalytic Cracker), which convert the heavy oil to valuable products including LPG, Naphtha/Gasoline, Kerosene and Diesel.

Successful one-shot start-up
“We wish to express our sincere appreciation for you and Topsoe members’ special dedication to the successful completion of the heavy oil upgrading project at Hyundai Oilbank, Korea. With your excellent license technology, and continuous assistance during overall project period including start-up, HDO has achieved successful one-shot start-up in May 2011,” writes Myung Sub Kang, Senior Vice President, Head of HOU Production, Hyundai Oilbank Co., Ltd.

This hydrogen plant is the second hydrogen plant supplied to HDO by Topsoe. The first hydrogen unit was designed in 2004 and started up in 2005.

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