Accident Involving Gas Pipeline In Santa Catarina State

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 26 Jan 2012 10:06

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Transportadora Brasileira Gasoduto Bolívia-Brasil S/A - TBG informs that an accident involving the Bolivia-Brazil Gas Pipeline occurred yesterday, November 23rd 2008, due to the heavy rains and floods that struck Santa Catarina. There was fire and a loud noise on the stretch near Belchior, a region in the city of Gaspar, State of Santa Catarina. The leakage and fire were controlled after the safety valves were shut.

There are no records of victims or damages to the buildings around the area.

TBG activated a contingency plan immediately, mobilizing equipment, materials and personnel to repair the gas pipeline.

The occurrence was communicated to the National Petroleum Agency, the Brazilian Environmental Institute and the Ministry of Mines and Energy.

All the efforts and resources are being allocated to carry out repairs as quickly as possible with the minimum impact for consumers, the neighboring community and the environment.

About Transportadora Brasileira Gasoduto Bolívia-Brasil (TBG)

Transportadora Brasileira Gasoduto Bolivia-Brazil S.A. (TBG) is responsible for the operation, in Brazilian territory, of the largest gas pipeline in Latin America: the Bolivia-Brazil Gas Pipeline (Gasbol), which presently transports 60 percent of the natural gas consumed in Brazil. The 3,150-kilometer gas pipeline, stretches 2,593 km in Brazil, where it is operated by TBG, crossing the States of Mato Grosso do Sul, São Paulo, Paraná, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul. The five states together account for 71 percent of the total energy consumed in Brazil.

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