Bechtel appointed downstream FEED contractor for GLNG

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 08 Sep 2015 06:47

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22 Dec 2008

Santos and Petronas today announced the appointment of Bechtel, a world leader in the construction of LNG plants, as the Front End Engineering Design (FEED) contractor for the downstream components of Gladstone LNG™ (GLNG™).

The GLNG™ project involves the construction of an initial nominal 3.5 million tonne per annum LNG liquefaction plant utilising the ConocoPhillips Optimized Cascade® Process on Curtis Island in Gladstone Harbour, with gas supply from the Santos/Petronas coal seam gas fields in South East Queensland.

Bechtel’s appointment follows a competitive 6-month dual pre-FEED process. The FEED contract value is approximately US$40 million and covers FEED on the liquefaction plant and associated infrastructure on Curtis Island. FEED will formally commence early in the New Year.

A final investment decision is expected in the first half of 2010. The project remains on schedule for first shipments of gas in 2014.

Santos’ Chief Executive Officer David Knox said the appointment of the FEED contractor was an important step for GLNG.

“GLNG will make Queensland home to the world’s first coal seam gas to LNG project,” Mr Knox said. “Today’s announcement is a critical step towards making the vision of a globally-significant Queensland LNG industry a reality.”

“GLNG has chosen a proven liquefaction technology and a contractor with a track record of building LNG plants in Australia and around the world.”

“The combination of Santos, Petronas and Bechtel means our project is in safe and capable hands.”

Over the next year, as part of FEED, GLNG will be progressing the engineering design to ensure construction can commence as scheduled in 2010.

Santos previously estimated total project costs at A$7.7 billion, based on 2007 dollars and prevailing economic conditions, including industry costs and exchange rates. The FEED studies commencing in 2009 will re-estimate these costs based on prevailing economic conditions, industry cost trends, regulatory requirements and an enhanced understanding of the integrated project scope.

Bechtel is one of the world’s largest engineering and construction contractors. It has built 9 LNG trains internationally using the ConocoPhillips Optimized Cascade® Process, including the successful Darwin LNG project.

Bechtel has extensive Eastern Australian construction experience including the Yarwun alumina refinery in Gladstone.

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