Bluewater Awards Contract for Upgrade of FPSO Glas Dowr

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 04 Jan 2013 07:23

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Bluewater Energy Services B.V. has awarded a contract to SA Five Engineering (Pty) Ltd. in South Africa for the upgrade of the FPSO Glas Dowr. After the modifications, the Glas Dowr will operate at the Sable Field in the Bredasdorp basin off South Africa.

The upgrade work to be executed by SA Five Engineering (Pty) Ltd. in Cape Town will include the fabrication and installation of Gas Compression Module, Process Separation Module, Flare Structure and various modifications to the existing topside facilities of the FPSO. The upgrade work on the FPSO is scheduled for completion by mid October 2002.

In June 2001, Sable Field Operator, Soekor E & P (Pty) Ltd. of Parow, South Africa (recently integrated in the new South African National Oil and Gas Company, PetroSA (Pty) Ltd.) and partners Pioneer Natural Resources South Africa (Pty) Limited and Petroleum Limited awarded Bluewater a contract to provide and operate production facilities for the field. In August Bluewater awarded Coflexip Stena Offshore International a contract to design, supply and install specified subsea production system components and related services for Sable Field development.
Sable’s initial development plan includes four production wells, one water-injection well and one gas-injection well. Production is to commence by early December 2002.

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