CB&I Awarded Contract for LNG Expansion Project

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 29 Jan 2013 06:25

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July 19, 2007

CB&I (NYSE: CBI) announced that it has been awarded a contract by Southern LNG, Inc. to further expand the Elba Island LNG terminal near Savannah, Georgia. The total contract has a value of approximately $200 million.

CB&I will perform the engineering, procurement and construction on the expansion project which is designed to increase the facility's storage volume by more than 50 percent to 11.5 billion cubic feet and to increase the send-out rate to approximately 1.7 billion standard cubic feet per day. The vapor handling systems will also be modified to facilitate simultaneous unloading of two LNG ships.

CB&I's work scope includes a new 200,000 cubic meter LNG storage tank - which will be the largest in North America — a 540 million standard cubic feet per day send-out system, a new vapor handling system and all associated electrical, mechanical instrumentation and controls work. The project is expected to be completed in 2010. CB&I completed a previous expansion project for Southern LNG at Elba Island in 2006.

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