CB&I Awarded Refinery Modernization Contract in Serbia

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 05 Nov 2012 11:35

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CB&I (NYSE:CBI has been awarded a contract valued in excess of US$70 million by NAFTNA INDUSTRIJA SRBIJE (NIS Petroleum Industry of Serbia) to upgrade its Pancevo Oil Refinery in Serbia.

The scope of work awarded to CB&I includes detailed engineering, procurement services, construction management and commissioning for the hydrocracker/hydrotreater unit (licensed by Chevron Lummus Global) and the associated support units, auxiliary and offsites systems.
CB&I, which has extensive engineering, procurement and construction management experience in Eastern Europe, is currently constructing a similar hydrocracker/hydrotreater unit in Croatia, and recently completed a diesel desulfurization plant for a major refinery expansion project in Poland.

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