FMC Technologies to Supply Subsea Systems for Gumusut-Kakap Project Offshore Malaysia

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 18 Jul 2012 06:14

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Jan 31, 2008

FMC Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:FTI) announced today that it has been awarded a contract by Sabah Shell Petroleum Company Limited for the supply of deepwater subsea systems for the Gumusut-Kakap project.

The Gumusut-Kakap project is located offshore East Malaysia, Sabah, Blocks J & K, in water depths of approximately 4,000 feet (1,250 meters). The scope of supply for phase one of the project includes 15 subsea trees, five manifolds, subsea drilling systems, control systems, flowline connections and related subsea equipment and life-of-field support. Deliveries are expected to commence in late 2008.

The Gumusut-Kakap project becomes the first Malaysian subsea project to be engineered and manufactured at FMC Technologies' facilities in Kuala Lumpur and Nusajaya, Malaysia. Constructed in 2006, both of these facilities were designed to establish local manufacturing and service capabilities. As part of its technology transfer commitment and Malaysian license agreement, FMC will utilize its deepwater technology, project management and manufacturing processes that have been implemented at the company's Malaysian facilities during the past two years.

"We are pleased to be a part of the Gumusut-Kakap project," said John Gremp, executive vice president of FMC Technologies. "We have longstanding relationships throughout the region and we look forward to leveraging our local operations to support this project."

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