“Giprogazoochistka” has completed project of sulfur recovery unit revamping at Mozyrsk Refinery

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 21 Oct 2013 13:02

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“Giprogazoochistka” has successfully completed the 4-th stage of agreement with Mozyrsk Refinery related to revamping of sulfur recovery unit 2nd block. As a result, sixfold reduction of atmospheric sulfur dioxide emissions is expected to be reached in comparison with base case unit.

Deepening of oil processing including the one with increased sulfur content has been a general tendency in the past decades. This results in the shortage of production capacities for hydrogen sulphide utilization Construction of new hydrogen sulphide processing units that are essentially ecological units not always keeps pace with the commissioning of line working. This problem is very often solved by discharging extra hydrogen sulfide volumes to flare thus increasing ecosystem load in the region.

“Giprogazoochistka” OJSC specialists in cooperation with Mozyrsk Refinery representatives proposed to increase capacity of existing sulfur recovery unit (Block No.2) to prevent discharge of hydrogen sulphide rich (acid) gas to flare. The solution was based on application of excessive oxygen from existing oxygen-nitrogen station, The content of proposal consists in reduction of air flow required for the process when it is enriched with oxygen. So, the unit can be loaded with additional quantity of sour gas.

“Giprogazoochistka” PJSC has performed required calculations, determined process boundaries for safe operation, and implemented revamping design. At present, construction and erection operations are being performed at the factory on this project.

“During this project implementation our specialists try out new scheme of interaction with the customer in which contract work shall be assumed to be completed upon confirmation of design performance directly at the operating plant of the customer but not upon timely issuance of design documentation,”- Mikhail Lebedskoy-Tambiev, “Giprogazoochistka” OJSC Deputy General Director emphasized. - We have all necessary resources for this purpose: chemical and analytical equipment, techniques and qualified specialists.

As soon as construction and erection, and precommissioning works are completed, the company specialists will survey the revamped unit, perform training related to its operation features and confirm design parameters.

"Cooperation of “Giprogazoochistka” OJSC and Mozyrsk Refinery has started in 70-s when the company designed amine regeneration and sulfur recovery unit for refinery for the first time,” – Georgy Rubinshteyn, “Giprogazoochistka” OJSC Deputy General Director noted. - Mozyrsk Refinery – is a reliable partner, and Belorussian oil refining market is rather promising field for our business. Based on prepared estimate, it is planned to increase sour gas processing capacity of existing unit by 380 m3/hr; and we expect at least sixfold reduction of sulfur dioxide emissions compared to base case. The post-revamping survey of the unit is scheduled to be at the end of 2009”.

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