IndianOil Commissions Once-through Hydrocracker Unit at Haldia Refinery and expands its capacity to 7.5 MMTPA

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 15 Dec 2011 06:20

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To enhance the Distillate Yield of the Refinery and improve the bottom-line, besides producing EURO-IV grade Diesel and superior quality products, IndianOil's Haldia Refinery has commissioned the prestigious Once-through Hydrocracker Unit (OHCU) Project. This Unit has been completed & commissioned in a record time of 39 months and 20 days.

The capacity of Haldia Refinery has also been augmented from 6.0 MMTPA to 7.5 MMTPA by revamping the 2nd Crude Distillation Unit (CDU-II) from 2.5 MMTPA to 4.0 MMTPA. Carrying out of revamp-job in an operating unit is a very complex job, demanding high degree of preparedness, skill & safety measures and this was completed within schedule.

Sharing the commissioning feat, Mr. B N Bankapur, IndianOil's Director (Refineries), said that the OHCU, which was a secondary processing unit, produced EURO-IV Diesel and other products like Superior Kerosene Oil (SKO), Naphtha and LPG. Implemented and commissioned at an estimated cost of Rs.2,869 Crore with a capacity 1.7 MMTPA, the OHCU project consists of the Once-through Hydrocracker Unit, Hydrogen Generation Unit, Nitrogen Plant, Sulphur Recovery Unit, Effluent Treatment Plant, Tertiary Treatment Plant with Reverse Osmosis process, Gas Turbine, LPG Mounded Bullets, Feed Tanks, etc., besides the revamp of 2nd Crude Distillation Unit.

The OHCU project would enhance the Distillate Yield of the Refinery by about 3% and improve the bottomline, besides producing EURO-IV grade Diesel and superior quality products, said Mr. Bankapur.

Haldia Refinery is the fourth in the chain of 10 operating refineries of Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. It is also one of the two refineries of IndianOil Group Companies, producing Lube Oil Base Stocks (LOBS). The Refinery is spread over an area of about 500 acres and comprises of three blocks of processing units - Fuel Oil Block (FOB), Lube Oil Block (LOB) and Additional Secondary Processing Block, besides Oil Movement & Storage (OM&S) and Utilities block. Haldia Refinery is the spring of petroleum energy in eastern India, providing fuel for transportation, energy for heat and light and feedstock for petrochemical products for everyday items.

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