JGC Awarded Compressor Station (CS-9) Project in Bahrain

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 14 Sep 2012 09:28

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27th SEP 2011

JGC Gulf International Co. Ltd., subsidiary EPC Company of JGC Corporation, Japan, has been awarded Banagas' scaled-down project to construct a gas compressor station at Bahrain oil field area south of Awali.

JGC Gulf International won the contract with the most competitive bid price of US$42.4m.

The contract under LSTK format will include the design of the gas compressor, a gas turbine driver, pipelines and associated gas gathering lines, power supply and the station's process equipment and utilities.

The gas compressor is designed to have a capacity of 60 million cubic feet per day (cf/d) and will help ensure continuous handling of up to 310 million cf/d of associated and refinery off gas. The project completion is expected in middle of 2013.

JGC Gulf as EPC Company:
With its base in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, JGC Gulf is a highly capable EPC Company; primarily established to support the government's drive to provide training and steady employment to the Kingdom's youth and future engineers and help develop the country's vast industrial resources using locally established entities. JGC Gulf, with the support of its parent company, JGC Corporation, Japan, mandated its senior Japanese Engineers to train and transfer technical knowhow to young local Engineers.

Though JGC Gulf may appear as a newly founded company (2008); its clients are assured that the people behind JGC Gulf are highly qualified and experienced professionals, rigidly selected to meet the technological challenges and engineering demands of the future.

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