abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 07 May 2012 08:45

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  • Want a weekly review of refining news?


Koch Supply & Trading has completed a project that has expanded capacity of its refinery here by more than 20 percent and increased its production capability to allow it to process a flexible blend of crude oil and condensate.

The refinery has recently re-started with the expanded capacity to process 80,000 barrels per day, up from 65,000 barrels per day. The refining facility, built in 1994, produces naphtha, jet fuel and gas oil, as well as residuals.

“With this expansion, we are bringing additional products to European markets,” said Steve Mawer, president of Koch Supply & Trading.

The plant now has the capability to process either condensates or a high proportion of crude oil.

“The plant's modifications allow us greater processing flexibility and significantly improve the facility's energy efficiency,” said Jeremy Brown, refinery commercial director.

Located at the Vopak Europoort Terminal, a key hub for refined petroleum products in Europe, a pipeline connection enables direct transfer of jet fuel to major airports such as Amsterdam and Frankfurt.

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