More oil off Angola

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 13 Aug 2013 18:21

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Operator Esso has made another oil strike in block 15 off Angola, where Statoil has a 13.33 per cent interest.

The moderately-sized Xikomba discovery could be developed as a satellite to the planned main project in the block, says Jon Bakken, who is responsible for western Africa operations at Statoil.

It helps to strengthen the reserve base in this area, he explains. Earlier finds in the block include Kissanje, Marimba, Hungo/Chocalho and Dikanza, with combined recoverable reserves put at 1.2-1.8 billion barrels.

Xikomba is being assessed together with these existing discoveries, and will be included in the field development plan currently being drawn up for submission to the authorities in the autumn of 2000.

Esso and its partners are planning an integrated development under the Kizomba name, which involves a start to production in 2003.

No further exploration wells are due to be drilled in block 15.

Statoil also has an interest in Angolan offshore block 17, where several oil discoveries have been made. Girassol is the first of these to begin production, with output due to start in 2001.

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