Mustang Successfully Completes Low Sulfur Gasoline Project at Placid Refining Complex in Louisiana

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 09 Dec 2013 13:56

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Mustang, a subsidiary of international energy services company John Wood Group PLC (“Wood Group”), has announced the successful completion of its Low Sulfur Gasoline Project at Placid Refining Company LLC’s refinery in Port Allen, La. Mustang provided the engineering, design, procurement and construction management for a grassroots 20,000 BPD FCC gasoline hydrotreater to make low sulfur gasoline. The new unit, along with other improvements, will enable the refinery to meet all applicable clean fuel standards for its products.

"We were excited to support Placid Refining in meeting the growing demand for low sulfur gasoline in Louisiana,” stated Chick Houseman, president of Mustang’s Process Plants Business Unit. “Teamwork between Placid, Mustang and the contractors was key to completing the project on schedule and under budget.”

The $63 million project, the largest single capital project in Placid’s history, is part of the refinery’s $300 million upgrade and expansion to increase the refinery’s capacity from 55,000 barrels to 80,000 barrels per day while reducing total air emissions by about 50 percent. Construction and successful startup of the new hydrotreater unit were completed in September 2008.

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