Non-binding Open Season for Pipeline Connecting to Dominion near Cortland, NY and Tennessee’s Line 200 near Syracuse

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 15 Jul 2015 16:19

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May 8, 2013

Millennium Pipeline Company, L.L.C. (“Millennium”) hereby announces the commencement of a non-binding open season (“Open Season”) for firm transportation service under its existing rate schedule FT-1 to be made available through the use of currently existing capacity and construction of at least one compressor station and approximately 60 miles of new pipeline that would connect to the Dominion Transmission system near Cortland, New York and the Tennessee Gas Pipeline System near Syracuse, New York (“Extension Facilities”).

Millennium currently has had discussions with two potential anchor shippers who have indicated an interest in approximately 250,000 Dth/day of capacity utilizing the Extension Facilities. To properly determine the market interest in this proposed extension of Millennium’s system (“Project”), Millennium is seeking non-binding expressions of interest in the capacity, such expressions of interest must include the proposed receipt and delivery points, daily volumes requested, price per dth for the capacity and term of the proposed contract.

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