Pertamina: Gas From Matindok And Senoro Blocks For LNG

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 05 Jul 2012 09:08

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November 24, 2006

Gas from Matindok and Senoro blocks, owned by Pertamina and Medco, in Central Sulawesi is likely to be exported as LNG, as gas demand around the area is low, Pertamina”s Vice President Iin Arifin Takhyan said in Jakarta recently.

“Senoro is a remote area. Demand there is low. If there”s domestic demand, we will supply it. If there”s none, we will export the gas,” Iin said.

Pertamina will follow prevailing policies in developing Senoro and Matindok blocks, Iin asserted. “We will follow the regulations, but for now LNG is the most feasible option,” he said. Pertamina and Medco are looking for a partner to build the LNG plant. The partner will hold majority shares, Iin said.

The LNG plant is expected to have a capacity of 2-2.5 million tons a year, whose gas will be fed from Matindok and Senoro blocks. The project is expected to come onstream around 2009-2010.

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