Preem to invest 6 billion in Lysekil

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 28 Feb 2012 11:53

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Preem want to build refinery in Lysekil for 6 billion in order to satisfy world demand for environmentally friendly fuels. The upgraded operation would create 75 new jobs to the municipality.

Preem is a leading supplier of automotive fuel and aims to become world leader in the production of environmentally friendly vehicle fuel. To achieve the goal continues Preem to upgrade refineries heaviest products, but also want to start production of domestic renewable fuels and biofuels. - Our strategy is to convert heavy fuel oil to sulfur-free motor fuel, mainly diesel. In May 2006 we completed gasoljeprojektet which means that 3.4 million tonnes of fuel oil per year is converted to sulfur-free diesel. Now we want to upgrade Preem Lysekil and want through this project, known as Cokerprojektet even convert residual heavy fuel oils, says Preemraffs director Per Olsson. Demand for transportation fuels is growing steadily in the world. Meanwhile, crude oil is heavier, which increases the need for upgrading capacity. Refining industry need to invest to meet the increased demand for fuel and the more stringent environmental and quality requirements.

The Preem's refinery system is around 4 million tonnes of heavy fuel oil currently used as ship fuel and at fixed combustion plants. Preem want to further refine the heavy oil into sulfur-free motor fuels. - We have a responsibility to use the oil on the best way possible. We at Preem take our share of responsibility by controlling production towards the most advantageous fossil vehicle fuels from a climate perspective, sulfur-free diesel, says Preem's President and CEO, Michael G: son Löw. - The combustion of petroleum products in fixed assets can be largely replaced with biofuels and other renewable forms of energy. But for vehicle fuel is a sustainable transition to alternative fuels is not possible today. Petroleum-based fuels have an essential function in society, and we will be dependent on them for years to come, continues Michael G: son Löw.

The most important part in the rebuilding of Lysekil refinery is called a Coker. A Coker converts the heavy fuel oil at the refinery to lighter components for the production of diesel. The entire upgrade process involves an investment of around 6 billion. Construction of Coker plant is about 1,000 new jobs during the project. When the plant is in operation is estimated to hire about 75 people.

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