Production Start-up at Norway's Äsgard Field

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 09 May 2012 09:09

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May 25, 1999

TOTAL and its partners have announced start-up of production on the Äsgard field in the North Sea around 200 kilometers offshore in Norway's Haltenbanken, at a water depth of around 300 meters. TOTAL owns a 7.65% interest in the field, along with operator Statoil (60.5%), Agip, Mobil, Neste, Saga Petroleum and Norsk Hydro.

Production has begun from the Äsgard A floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel, one of the largest of its kind in the world. Äsgard A has a production capacity of 200,000 barrels per day (b/d) and a storage capacity of 910,000 barrels.
Production was initiated on a first undersea well and will gradually ramp up to approximately 155,000 b/d within a few months as seven more undersea production wells and six gas injection wells come on stream.

Natural gas and condensate production will start from the Äsgard B platform in October 2000. Äsgard B, currently under construction, will be the world's largest semi-submersible gas production platform with a natural gas processing capacity of 13 billion cubic meters/year and a condensate capacity of 100,000 b/d. Gas production will gradually increase and peak at 10 billion cubic meters/year. The Äsgard field is expected to account for nearly 15% of Norway's gas output.

With initial reserves in excess of 2 billion boe, of which nearly 60% in gas, the Äsgard field is making a significant contribution to TOTAL's growth in Norway's upstream sector. With the transfer of PetroFina's assets in the country, Norway is becoming one of the largest TOTAL FINA production regions with an output of 200,000 boe/d.

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