Production Start-up of Jasmim, Offshore Angola

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 13 Nov 2012 07:03

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December 2, 2003

Sonangol, Sociedade Nacional de Combustíveis de Angola, and Total announce the start-up of Jasmim oil field production in Angola's deepwater offshore Block 17.

Discovered in April 2000, Jasmim is one of fifteen fields found in Block 17 and the second to be brought on stream following Girassol, which started up in December of 2001. Located in 1,400 meters of water and approximately 150 kilometres offshore, Jasmim's development requires eight sub-sea wells to be tied back five kilometres to the Girassol floating production, storage and offloading vessel (FPSO).

Jasmim's start-up will increase oil flow to the FPSO to more than 230,000 barrels of oil a day and prolong the production plateau. It is an integral part of the growth strategy for Block 17 production, which was already evidenced this year by the decision for the development of the Dalia field, slated to come on stream in the second half of 2006.

Sonangol is the Block 17 Concessionaire. Total, the Operator, has a 40% participatory interest in Block 17, and has as partners Esso Exploration Angola (Block 17) Ltd. (20 %), BP Exploration (Angola) Ltd. (16.67%), Statoil Angola Block 17 AS (13.33%) and Norsk Hydro (10%).

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