Saipem awarded new Offshore contract in Nigeria worth in excess of USD 1.3 billion

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 02 Oct 2014 06:45

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28 March 2008

Saipem has been awarded the contract for the Umbilicals, Flowlines, Risers and Oil Loading Terminal (UFR & OLT) activities for the subsea development of Usan deepwater field, located off the coast of Nigeria, about 160 kilometres South of Port Harcourt. The contract is worth in excess of USD 1.3 billion.

The contract has been awarded by Elf Petroleum Nigeria Limited (Total), as the Operator of Oil Mining
License (OML) 1381 where the Usan field is located. It encompasses the engineering, procurement,
construction, installation, pre-commissioning, assistance to commissioning and start-up of the subsea
umbilicals (72 km), flowlines (61 km) and risers connecting the 42 subsea wells to the FPSO, along with the
oil loading terminal, consisting of an offloading buoy and two offloading lines, and part of the FPSO
anchoring system.

Fabrication will be carried out locally in Nigeria, mainly in Saipem’s Rumuolumeni yard. The offshore
installation will be carried out by the highly specialised vessels Saipem FDS and Saipem 3000, in water
depths ranging from 730 to 850 metres, between the fourth quarter of 2010 and the fourth quarter of 2011.

(1) Co-venturers in the Oil Mining License 138 are: Elf Petroleum Nigeria Limited (EPNL) (Total) (20%), Chevron Petroleum
Nigeria Limited (CPNL - 30%), Esso Exploration and Production Nigeria (Offshore East) Limited (EEPNL – 30%) and Nexen
Production Nigeria Limited (NPNL – 20%).

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