Shell to co-develop deepwater Gumusut-Kakap field offshore Malaysia

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 18 Jul 2012 06:04

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Shell announced that Final Investment Decision has been taken to jointly develop the Gumusut-Kakap field, located in deepwater, offshore Sabah, Malaysia.

Sabah Shell Petroleum Company will be operator of the development, which will employ the region’s first deepwater Floating Production System (FPS), with a processing capacity of 150,000 barrels of oil per day. The field, which is in waters up to 1,200 metres deep in blocks J and K, will be developed using 19 subsea wells with oil exported via a pipeline to a new oil and gas terminal, which will be built in Kimanis, Sabah.

The Gumusut and Kakap fields were combined into a single development under a Unitisation and Unit Operating Agreement signed by the co-venturers in 2006. Shell and ConocoPhillips Sabah Ltd each hold 33% interests in the development, PETRONAS Carigali has 20% and Murphy 14%.

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