Technip awarded two contracts by Bluewater Industries in the Gulf of Mexico

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 30 Jul 2015 07:39

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May 12, 2009

Technip has been awarded by Bluewater Industries two lumpsum contracts for the Telemark and Clipper Corridor field developments in the Gulf of Mexico. ATP Oil & Gas Corporation is 100% owner and operator of the Telemark field, and 55% owner and operator of the Clipper Corridor field; Bluewater Industries is managing the two projects.

The first contract is for the Telemark field. This field is located in Atwater Valley Block 63, at a water depth of 1,357 m (4,450 feet) and is being tied back to the ATP Titan platform.The contract covers:

  • design and manufacture of one high pressure flexible riser(1), approximately 3 kilometers long (2 miles),
  • engineering for the installation and welding of one oil and gas production flowline(2), approximately 21 km long (13 miles),
  • installation of the flowline and associated riser with an option to install an umbilical(3),
  • fabrication and installation of subsea structures and a jumper(4), and
  • pre-commissioning.

The second contract is for the Clipper Corridor field. This field is located in Green Canyon Block 299, at a water depth of 1,055 meters (3,460 feet) and is tied back to the Front Runner platform. It covers:

  • design and manufacture of two high pressure flexible risers, approximately 2.4 kilometers long each (1.5 mile),
  • engineering for the installation and welding of one pipe-in-pipe oil production flowline and one gas line, each approximately 25 kilometers long (15.5 miles),
  • installation of the flowlines, risers, and umbilical,
  • fabrication and installation of four subsea structures and associated jumpers, flying leads, and
  • pre-commissioning.

Technip’s operating center in Houston, Texas, will execute these contracts. The risers will be fabricated in Le Trait, France, one of the Group’s flexible pipe plants. The flowlines will be welded at the Group’s spoolbase located in Mobile, Alabama. Offshore installation is scheduled for late 2009/early 2010 for the Telemark project and for the second quarter of 2010 for the Clipper Corridor project, using the Deep Blue, Technip’s deepwater pipelay vessel. The Deep Pioneer, Technip’s deepwater construction vessel, will also participate in the Telemark project.

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