Tеcnicas Reunidas gets a one thousand million dollars contract in Algeria

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 21 Nov 2014 10:17

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Tecnicas Reunidas and Groupement Touat Gaz have signed a 1 billion USD contract to develop hydrocarbons complex facilities near the city of Adrar located to the South West of Algeria. Groupement Touat Gaz is a partnership of the Algerian governmentowned company SONATRACH and the French company GDF SUEZ. The Touat Project includes engineering, procurement, construction, commissioning and startup of gas processing facilities with an estimated capacity of sale gas of 13MMm3/d at the end of 2016.

Gas production and processing facilities are located in Sbaa basin 1500 km southwards from Algiers and to the North East of Adrar city. The area of the future Complex covers about 80 hectares and the area of activity (blocks 352a and 353a) is approximately of 3.000 square kilometers.

The facilities include the development of 25 wells and the associated gas gathering systems over more than 150 km, associated gas and condensate processing units, compressors, Hg, H2S and CO2 removal units, as well as dehydration units, residual waters treatment unit and all auxiliary systems required for the Complex independent operation including its own electric power generation and drinkable water production.

These facilities will be connected to the upcoming gas pipeline GR-5 towards the National Gas Dispatching Center of Hassi R’Mel (CNDG) where gas will be collected and sent to local and international clients.

This contract award is the result of 40 years’ successful cooperation of Tecnicas Reunidas Group for Algerian facilities and energy resources development. Tecnicas Reunidas has considered this project as a key objective for its consolidation within the country. Thanks to this contract award, Tecnicas Reunidas maintains an active and permanent presence in the country since 2000 after having completed such successful projects as Med Gaz, RKF, GTFT and Ourhoud.

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