The First Production from Jintan Gas Field in Malaysia

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 21 May 2012 13:12

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Sep 6, 2004

Teikoku Oil Co., Ltd. ("TEIKOKU") is pleased to announce that the first production started from Jintan Gas Field in Block SK-8 in Malaysia in which Nippon Oil Exploration (Sarawak), Limited ("NOSA") holds 37.5% participating interests.

NOSA is a joint venture company owned by Nippon Oil Exploration Limited, TEIKOKU, Mitsubishi Corporation and Japan National Oil Corporation, and was established in 1991. As a result of exploration activities, several gas fields were discovered and NOSA has been conducting the construction of gas production facilities since 2002 for the commercial production from Serai and Jintan Gas Fields.

The approximate daily production rate of the Jintan Gas Field will peak at 490mmcfd for the gas and 14,000bbl/day for the condensate.

The aggregate gross production from Jintan Gas Field, and Serai Gas Field in Block SK-8 (commercial production started from June 2004), Helang Gas Field in Block SK-10 in which Nippon Oil Exploration (Malaysia), Limited holds 75% working interests (commercial production started from November 2003), is expected to reach 1000mmscfd for the gas and 42,000bbl/day for the condensate.

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