The Keith Field, Offshore Petroleum Production And Pipe-Lines (Assessment Of Environmental Effects) Regulations 1999 Licence P 2

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 07 May 2015 08:59

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22 December 1999

Pursuant to Regulation 5(8) of the above Regulations, the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry gives notice that, being content that the requirements of the above Regulations have been satisfied, he has, pursuant to Licence P 209, granted a consent to BHP Petroleum Limited to the getting of petroleum and the construction of installations in relation to the development of the Keith oil field. The consent for the Keith field took effect from 22 December 1999 and shall last until 30 September 2003.

The Keith development lies in Block 9/8a, 320 km northeast of Aberdeen in the nothern North Sea. BHP propose to develop the Keith field with a sub-sea tie-back to the existing BP Amoco operated Bruce Phase II Western Area Development (WAD) manifold. First production is scheduled for Q4 2000.

The development will involve the re-entry and tie-back of the appraisal well 9/8a-14. Well testing will be conducted. Subsequently 2 subsea manifolds will be tied back to the WAD manifold via a 7km pipeline. The Xmas tree will be of an overtrawlable design and the pipelines and umbilicals will be appropriately protected. Keith well fluids will be co-mingled with Bruce fluids at the WAD and processed and exported from BP Amoco's Bruce platform.

The Secretary of State is of the view, having regard to the environmental statement prepared in respect of the project and the comments received from those consulted, that the project is not likely to have significant effects on the environment and that adequate mitigation of the potential environmental impacts, such as they are, is presented in the environmental statement. There is thus no need for any environmental conditions to be imposed.

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