The largest methane gas tanker ever to dock at a European terminal has arrived at Enagás¿ regasification plant in Cartagena

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 02 Dec 2013 14:51

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This morning, the Duhail-HN 2247, the largest methane gas tanker ever to dock at a European gas terminal, arrived at Enagás’ Cartagena plant.

The Duhail, a new generation Q-Flex tanker, can transport 210,133 m3 of natural gas. Until now, the capacity of tankers docking in Spain was no more than 140,000 m3.

This newly-built tanker is currently the largest in the world along with the others in the series. It is 315 metres long and has five liquefied natural gas (LNG) storage tanks with temperatures of below -160º.
On 20 March the Duhail, which is chartered by Qatargas for Gas Natural, filled up in Ras Laffan (Qatar) and unloaded at Enagás’ facilities in the port of Escombreras today.

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