Third Dutch Sector award for Subsea 7

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 02 Apr 2015 12:33

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International underwater contractor Subsea 7 today received the letter of intent from Wintershall for work associated with the F16 project, in the Dutch Sector of the North Sea. Contract value is circa $4M.

Scope of work includes the installation of spoolpieces and the associated works for the F16-A project in water depths to 40 metres.

The work will be performed in two distinct phases. The first phase of the work will be performed by one of Subsea 7's construction vessels at the turn of the year, to install the side tap protection structure. The second phase of the work is to be executed in the third quarter of 2005 and includes the metrology, fabrication and installation of the F16A spoolpieces and the hydrotesting of the pipelines between F16A and K2.

Vice President for Subsea 7 UK, Bob Gifford, commented: Subsea 7 look forward to continuing their good relationship with Wintershall, and with our recent award from Total and current work for Shell in the Dutch sector we believe this award strengthens our position of contractor of choice for construction work in the Dutch sector.

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