Output from New Uvat Project Fields Reaches 2.8 Mln Tons

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 02 Nov 2010 06:42
Tags: russia tnk-bp upstream

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TNK-BP subsidiary TNK-Uvat produced 2,840,000 tons of oil from its new Uvat Project fields in the first 9 months of the year.

According to Yuri Masalkin, TNK-Uvat Executive Director, 1,470,000 tons of oil has been produced from the Urnenskoe field, 1,310,000 tons from the Ust-Tegusskoe field and 57,000 tons from the Tyamkinskoe field, which was brought on stream in April this year.

“In the first nine months, 48 development wells have been drilled here and this will rise to 66 wells by the end of the year” said Masalkin.

Output from New Uvat Project Fields Reaches 2.8 Mln Tons

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