Worley Parsons Contract award for QGC's Queensland Curtis LNG Project

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 02 Nov 2010 14:10
Tags: australia bg-group contract curtis lng worley-parsons

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As described in the recent BG Group news release dated 31 October 2010, WorleyParsons is pleased to announce that it has been appointed as the detailed engineering and procurement services contractor for the upstream gas field facilities and related infrastructure associated with QGC’s Queensland Curtis LNG Project.

Contract award

The potential revenue for WorleyParsons from this contract is in excess of $580 million.
WorleyParsons’ CEO, Mr John Grill, said “I am extremely pleased that WorleyParsons has secured this award, providing us with the opportunity to partner with BG and QGC on this cutting-edge coal seam gas project”.

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