10-Percent Throughput Increase at Omsk Refinery

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 16 Aug 2011 05:19
Tags: gazpromneft refinery russia

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The Omsk Refinery shows a 10-percent throughput growth during 7 months of 2011 as compared to the same period last year, which makes 11.7 mln tons. The refinery has manufactured about 2.5 mln tons of motor gasolines and 3.7 mln tons of diesel fuel, correspondingly 21% and 10% up as compared to the last year’s figures.

From January to July 2011, the Omsk Refinery produced 882.8 k tons of jet fuel – an about 5-percent growth as opposed to the first seven months of the last year.

The production of petroleum bitumen reached about 289 k tons, a 25-percent jump from the same period last year.

In July, the Omsk Refinery launched the production of Ecological Class 3 diesel fuel and Super Euro-98 gasoline that conforms to Ecological Class 5 standards.

This year the Omsk Refinery has become the first among Russian oil processing plants to process the billionth ton of crude.


The Omsk Refinery is one of the largest oil processing plants in Russia. In 2010, the Refinery’s throughput made about 19 mln tons, and the processing depth reached 83.27%, showing one of the highest rates in the industry.

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