Chevron Welcomes Western Australian Government Environmental Approval for Wheatstone

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 03 Sep 2011 07:38
Tags: australia chevron lng

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Chevron Australia Pty Ltd today welcomed environmental approval of the Chevron-operated Wheatstone Project by the Western Australian Minister for the Environment, The Honourable Bill Marmion, MLA.

Roy Krzywosinski, managing director, Chevron Australia, said, “We welcome State Government environmental approval for the Wheatstone Project and we look forward to a timely environmental approval from the Federal government.”

Melody Meyer, president, Chevron Asia Pacific Exploration and Production Company, said, “The Wheatstone Project is set to become one of Australia’s largest resource projects delivering energy, jobs and economic benefits to Australia.”

Chevron is seeking approval for a 25 million tonnes per annum (MTPA) liquefied natural gas (LNG) and domestic gas plant, along with associated offshore infrastructure.

The foundation phase of the project will consist of two LNG trains with a combined capacity of 8.9 MTPA and a domestic gas plant. A final investment decision on the project is expected in 2011.

The environmental assessment for the Wheatstone Project is the result of extensive research, engagement with communities and government agencies, and contributions from independent experts.

The plant site is located in the Western Australian State Government’s Ashburton North Strategic Industrial Area, approximately 12 kilometres south of Onslow on the Pilbara coast.

The Wheatstone onshore foundation project is a joint venture between the Australian subsidiaries of Chevron (73.6%), Apache (13%), Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company (7%) and Shell (6.4%).

Chevron Australia is a significant investor in exploration offshore northwest Australia, leads the development of the Gorgon and Wheatstone natural gas projects, operates Australia’s largest onshore oilfield on Barrow Island, as well as the Thevenard Island oilfields. The company also manages its equal one-sixth interest in the North West Shelf Venture and is a participant in the Browse liquefied natural gas development in Western Australia.

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