PGS and TGS Commence New Joint Seismic Venture in the Labrador Sea

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 12 Sep 2011 09:12
Tags: canada pgs services tgs

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Petroleum Geo-Services (PGS) in cooperation with TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company (TGS) have commenced a new 22,000 km multi-client 2D seismic survey offshore Newfoundland and Labrador.

Under the cooperation agreement PGS is acquiring the initial phase of this large regional survey during the 2011 season utilizing the Canadian flagged vessel Sanco Spirit equipped with the latest GeoStreamer® dual sensor, broadband technology. The survey lies to the north of existing major oil discoveries including Hibernia, Hebron, Terra Nova and White Rose and covers areas currently nominated in the Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board's call for bids (NL-11-03). Data acquisition will continue through Q3 2011 and the vessel will return in 2012 to complete the survey.

"PGS is excited to be bringing this important survey and GeoStreamer® technology to East Canada, in partnership with TGS. We will provide comprehensive modern seismic coverage over this as yet underexplored frontier basin" said Jerry Witney, VP North America MultiClient. "GeoStreamer® offers clear and proven operational advantages in the harsh waters of Canada's Atlantic seaboard, where minimizing weather downtime is vital. In addition its broadband dual sensor technology will provide explorationists with the highest quality 2D data."

The survey is supported by industry funding with initial data being available to clients during Q4 2011.

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