Ecopetrol completes five discoveries in Caño Sur

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 05 Oct 2011 13:23
Tags: colombia ecopetrol upstream

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Ecopetrol informs that it proved hydrocarbon accumulation in the exploratory well Trasgo-1, in the western block of the Caño Sur exploration and exploitation contract.

Trasgo-1 is located in the municipality of San Martin de los Llanos in the Meta Province, south of Caño Cumaral.

Drilling of the well started on August 4 of this year, and reached a depth of 2,934 feet. Ecopetrol obtained nuclei of rock from the basal sands of the Carbonera Formation, which was the well´s principal exploratory objective, with good crude oil saturation.

Subsequently, initial production testing was done at intervals of four feet (from 2,771 to 2,775 feet), with an artificial lift progressing cavity system, which put out an average production of 120 barrels of fluids per day of 13.8° API crude oil (heavy crude).

As the Trasgo-1 well is 130 kilometers away from the municipality of San Martin, its drilling posed a major challenge regarding mobilization of machinery and equipment. People living in surrounding communities such as Puerto Castro, Santa Teresa, Bajo Camoa and El Carmen benefited from the construction works undertaken by Ecopetrol.

Trasgo-1 is the fifth oil finding in Caño Sur Block during 2011, including Mito-1, Fauno-1, Pinocho-1 and CSE8-ST1 and constitutes another major milestone in the exploration of the Caño Sur contract, which was signed in June of 2005 with the National Hydrocarbon Agency (ANH - Agencia Nacional de Hidrocarburos) in which Ecopetrol is the operator and holds 100% of the rights.

"This new find proves the potential of the Caño Sur Block and of the Llanos Orientales Basin, one of the regions with the highest exploratory activity currently, source of our growth in heavy crude oils and key to achieve the production goal of one million clean barrels per day in 2015 and 1.3 million barrels in 2020", said Ecopetrol´s CEO Javier Gutiérrez.

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