YaNOS launched Izomalk-2

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 31 Oct 2011 07:48
Tags: refinery russia slavneft

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On October 30, 2011, the ceremonial opening of new Izomalk-2, С5-С6 fractions Isomerization Unit designed for production of high octane commercial gasoline components clear of sulfur and aromatics (izopentane, light and heavy isomerization factions) took place at ОАО Slavneft-YaNOS.

The Unit is composed of three main sections designed for hydrotreatment, fractionation and isomerization. Production capacity of Izomalk-2 makes 600.8 ths t of raw materials per annum.

Commissioning of Izomalk-2 will significantly increase production of high quality gasoline with enhanced consumer and environmental properties. The project implementation will enable the Refinery in near future to accomplish transition to output of exclusively top quality gasoline meeting Euro-4 and Euro -5 standards.

The flow scheme applied for Izomalk was developed by ОАО NPP Neftekhim (Krasnodar, Russia), designing was performed by ZАО Neftekhimproekt (St-Petersburg), construction and installation was carried out by ZАО SK SNS, the general contractor. The most part of the equipment and materials used during construction of Izomalk-2 Unit was produced in Russia.

4.5 bln rub. was allocated for the project financing.

Izomalk-2 was constructed within the Program for modernization and technical upgrading of ОАО Slavneft-YaNOS. In 2011, construction of the Cat-Cracked Gasoline Hydrotreatment Unit is planned to be completed.

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