Discovery of New Gas Accumulation in Espírito Santo Basin

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 04 Nov 2011 07:41
Tags: brazil petrobras upstream

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Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. - Petrobras announces the discovery of a new gas accumulation in the post-salt of the Espírito Santo Basin, in Concession BM-ES-21 (Block ES-M-414). The discovery lies 135 km from the city of Vitória, in the State of Espírito Santo.

The discovery was made by drilling well 1-BRSA-983-ESS, informally known as Malombe. This well was drilled 13 km to the southeast of Peroá Field at a water depth of 980m.

The discovery was confirmed from the response of the gas detector and the logging which was conducted in reservoirs located at a depth of some 2600m.

Petrobras is the operator of the consortium for the exploration of the concession (88.1%) in partnership with RepsolSinopec (11.9%).

The consortium will continue its activities in the block, and it intends to submit an Evaluation Plan proposal to the National Oil, Natural Gas and Biofuels Agency (ANP) designed to demarcate the accumulation discovered, and estimate the reservoirs’ volumes and productivity.

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