BP Suspends Production from Rhum Gas Field

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 22 Nov 2010 06:47
Tags: bp north-sea uk upstream

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BP confirmed today that, pending clarification from the UK Government on certain aspects of the new EU Regulations concerning restrictive measures against Iran, production from the Rhum gas field in the central North Sea has been suspended. This action has been taken in order to comply with the notification requirements in the Regulations.

Trevor Garlick, Regional President BP North Sea, said "Our primary interest is in ensuring we are fully compliant with these Regulations. We have established that our actions in terms of the ongoing monitoring of safety and integrity of the field are compliant. However, the conditions required for continued production remain subject to further clarification. Once we obtain such clarification from the Government, we will review the situation and will take whatever action is appropriate in light of that clarification."

Notes to editors

  • Rhumstarted production in 2005 and is a subsea gas field which is tied back to the Bruce Field in the central North Sea.
  • Rhum is owned by BP (50%) and the Iranian Oil Company (50%) under a Joint Operating Agreement dating back to the early 1970s.
  • The field is capable of producing up to 5.9 million cubic metres of gas per day.

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