CB&I Awarded Feed Contract for Shtokman LNG Export Terminal Project

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 22 Nov 2010 12:01
Tags: cb&i gazprom lng russia shtokman

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CB&I (NYSE: CBI) announced today that CB&I Lummus has been awarded a contract for the front-end engineering & design (FEED) services for the Shtokman LNG storage and loading facility at the sea port in Terriberka in the Murmansk region of the Russian Federation. The sea port is part of the Shtokman Gas-Condensate Field Development Project developed by Gazprom Dobycha Shelf LLC, a fully owned subsidiary of Gazprom JSC. CB&I's contract, which is scheduled for completion in 2011, has been awarded by Giprospetsgas JSC, the project general designer. The value of the contract was not disclosed.

The Shtokman Gas-Condensate Field Development Project consists of the production, treatment, transportation, liquefaction, storage and shipping of natural gas and natural gas liquids from the Shtokman field located 600 km offshore in the Barents Sea, north of Kola Peninsula, Russia. The field has an estimated 3.9 trillion cubic meters of natural gas reserves.

CB&I's project scope includes concept and FEED development of the LNG storage and loading facility, including multiple 160,000 cubic meter full containment LNG storage tanks and the associated process piping and loading facilities. Concept and FEED development will provide the project schedule and cost estimates for the engineering, procurement and construction phase. CB&I will also prepare the Russian design dossier (Proyekt) in accordance with regulatory requirements.

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