Ezra breaks into fast-growing South American offshore market

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 29 Nov 2011 14:22
Tags: brazil ezra services

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Ezra Holdings Limited (Ezra, the Group or 以斯拉控股), a leading global offshore contractor and provider of integrated offshore solutions to the oil and gas (O&G) industry, announced its offshore support services division (EMAS Marine) has been awarded a new charter and charter renewals for four Offshore Support Vessels (OSV).

These awards worth approximately US$231 million in total were from national oil companies and an oil major.

The charters are for an average period of 4.25 years (including option periods) for four Anchor, Handling, Tug and Supply (AHTS) vessels that will be deployed in South America and various regions in the Asia Pacific.

Captain Adarash Kumar, Chief Executive Officer, EMAS Marine, stated, “As an offshore operator committed to support the world’s deepwater developments, these contracts are significant as it reaffirms our ability to deliver highly responsive and reliable services to our oilfield clients globally.”

Mr Lionel Lee (黎才德), EMAS’s Managing Director, said, “This is an important milestone for us as we further solidify our capabilities in Asia-Pacific and break new ground in South America, reaffirming our growing presence as a global leader in marine and offshore support.”

“Brazil in particular will be investing heavily in offshore oil and gas infrastructure and services over the next few years in order to achieve its goal of being one of the world’s top oil producers. This creates significant opportunities for us for both offshore support and construction services.” Mr Lee added.

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