Technip awarded two hydrogen plant contracts in the United States

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 01 Oct 2010 05:56
Tags: refinery technip usa valero

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Technip has been awarded two lump sum contracts by Valero Refining Company and Diamond Shamrock Refining Company (both part of the Valero group) for two hydrogen plants at their refineries in Memphis, Tennessee and McKee, Texas.

The two 30-million standard cubic feet per day hydrogen plants will produce high purity hydrogen and export steam. The plants will use a high efficiency top-fired steam methane reforming process and utilize the latest nitrogen oxide reduction technology thereby ensuring minimum emissions.

The contracts cover: basic engineering, project management, detail engineering, fabrication, supply and installation, pre-commissioning and start-up assistance.

Technip’s operating center in Claremont, California will execute these contracts. Technip is partnered with Performance Contractors Inc. for the installation of both hydrogen plants. The project is scheduled to be completed in the first half of 2012.

With over 240 hydrogen units worldwide, Technip has been consistently recognized as the market leader in the design and supply of hydrogen plants.

Technip awarded two hydrogen plant contracts in the United States

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