Figures Demonstrating Results of Tatneft Operations in December and for the Whole Year of 2011

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 12 Jan 2012 13:19
Tags: russia tatneft upstream

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Crude Oil Production

Totally OAO TATNEFT produced the amount of 25,928,495 tons of crude oil in 2011, which was 65,037 tons more than in 2010 (100.2 percent) with the above-the-plan production amounting to 528,495 tons (102.1 percent).

The amount of 2,202,106 tons of crude oil was produced in December 2011 (100.9 percent versus December 2010). The amount of 25,324,136 tons of crude oil was delivered with the above-the-plan delivery amounting to 472,796 tons.

The total crude oil production in the Republic of Tatarstan amounted to 32,542,604 tons of crude oil, which was 126,629 tons increase versus 2010 (100.4 percent).


Traditional Drilling

The total drilling penetration amounted to 611.5 thousand meters in 2011 (610.7 thousand meters in 2010). 480.7 thousand meters (475 thousand meters in 2010) were drilled for OAO TATNEFT, including 462.7 thousand meters of production drilling and 18 thousand meters of exploratory drilling. 40.9 thousand meters (26.2 thousand meters in 2010), including 35.1 thousand meters of production drilling and 5.8 thousand meters of exploratory drilling, were drilled for subsidiaries of OAO TATNEFT.

Totally 412 wells (415 wells in 2010) were constructed and delivered to the customers, including 313 wells (304 wells in 2010) for OAO TATNEFT with a number of production wells amounting to 307and 6 exploratory wells. 30 wells (13 wells in 2010), including 26 production wells and 4 exploratory wells were constructed and delivered to the subsidiaries of OAO TATNEFT.

Active Well Stock Drilling

The total penetration of sidetracking and horizontal wellbores drilling for 2011 amounted to 44.3 thousand meters (30.1 thousand meters in 2010) with 21.9 thousand meters (17.3 thousand meters in 2010) penetrated for OAO TATNEFT.

Totally 101 wells (86 wells in 2010) were delivered to the customers with 63 wells (55 wells in 2010) delivered to OAO TATNEFT.

36 drilling crews performed traditional well drilling operations in 2011. 10 drilling crews were engaged in drilling lateral wellbores and lateral horizontal wellbores. One crew is engaged in drilling wells to the bituminous deposits of Ashalchinskoye field for NGDU "Nurlatneft". The penetration per one crew amounted to 17,051 meters in 2011 (17,143 meters in 2010).

60.9 thousand meters were drilled outside the Republic of Tatarstan.

59.2 thousand meters were penetrated in horizontal wellbores and bottomhole splitters.

Wells Repair

773 well remedial operations were performed in December 2011 with the number of the well remedial operations performed during the year amounting to 8,379, i.e. 7.6 percent less than in 2010 (9,072 wells in 2010). The number of remedial operations performed in the production wells reduced from 7,450 down to 6,841 (8.2 percent), and the number of injection wells repairs increased from 1,082 up to 1,098 (1.5 percent). The mean time between failures increased for oil wells from 1,041 up to 1,142 days or by 9.7 percent.

51 wells were repaired outside the Republic of Tatarstan with 41 wells for OOO "Tatneft-Samara", 3 wells for OOO "Tatneft-Severny", 2 wells for OAO "Ilekneft" and 5 wells for ZAO "KalmTatneft" (49 wells were repaired for OOO "Tatneft-Samara" during the year of 2010).

The workover operations were performed in 2,750 wells in 2011 (268 wells in December), including production string sealing performed in 408 wells, shutting-off individual layers and recompletion in other intervals were performed in 278 wells, transfer of wells into different categories and wells completion for injection were performed in 128 wells; failure liquidation and cleaning of the production string and bottom hole zone cleaning were carried out in 285 wells and physical liquidation and re-liquidation were performed in 68 wells.

886 wells were worked over with application of coil tubing (89 wells in December), including 150 wells worked over through the annulus.

Formation hydrofracking operations were performed in 320 wells in 2011 with 19 of them performed in December, which was 34 percent more than in 2010 (239 wells). This number includes 30 large-scale hydrofracking jobs with the average crude oil production rate increase amounting to 5.5 tons per day. The hydrofracking operations were also performed in 15 new wells after drilling.

43 small diameter holes were drilled and completed for OAO TATNEFT in 2011, which is 1.5 times more than in 2010 (28 wells). The production rate of the small diameter holes after drilling amounted to 7.6 tons per day in 2011, which is comparable with the production rate of conventional diameter wells.

Works on oil recovery enhancement were performed in 2,364 wells (148 wells in December) with chemical treatment methods applied in 1,320 wells (67 wells in December).

The incremental oil production volume resulting from application of the enhanced oil recovery methods amounted to 5 million 507 thousand tons of crude oil with the chemical methods accounting for the production of 2 million 599 thousand tons.

Bottomhole area treatment operations with application of OAO TATNEFT's technologies were performed in 3,301 wells in 2011 and 39 thousand 202 tons of chemicals were produced.

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