Gazprom Neft introduces Deparaffination Process at Omsk Refinery's Diesel Fuel Hydrotreatment Unit

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 22 Jan 2012 17:49
Tags: c-asia gazprom-neft refinery russia

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Modernisation of Omsk Oil Refinery's diesel fuel hydrotreatment unit has seen the introduction of a deparaffination process, which allows the processing of summer diesel fuel into winter diesel fuel. The new technology will increase the refinery’s output of winter diesel fuel by over 32 thousand tonnes per month during the seasonal high-demand period.

The deparaffination process enables the production of winter fuel from summer fuel through the transformation of high melting wax. The resulting fuel has increased performance characteristics, particularly a lower congelation point and the limiting filterability temperature which reaches -38ºC.

The capacity of Omsk Refinery's diesel fuel hydrotreatment unit is 1.2 million tonnes per year. In 2011 the refinery's diesel fuel production volume reached 6.1 million tonnes showing a 1.4% increase compared to the same period of the previous year.

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