Aker Solutions wins Draupne FEED contract

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 25 Mar 2012 12:59
Tags: aker det-norske norway services

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Aker Solutions has won a contract from Det norske oljeselskap, as operator, to conduct a front-end, engineering and design (FEED) study for the Draupne field on the Norwegian continental shelf.

The study will be carried out by Aker Solutions' newly established engineering office in London, and delivered to the license partners in Q4 2012. The contract value is undisclosed.

"I am very pleased that Det norske has decided to follow on the pre-FEED contract with the award of the topsides FEED contract for the Draupne development. The Draupne pre-FEED was the first contract awarded to the re-established Aker Solutions engineering entity in London. The new award confirms the successful build-up of our London office," says Valborg Lundegaard, executive vice president and head of engineering in Aker Solutions.

Aker Solutions in 2011 decided to re-enter the London engineering market. Only a few months after opening the new office in Chiswick Park, the company is once again becoming a significant player in the London market. The engineering office now counts 90 employees, and Aker Solutions expects to be around 200 people by the end of 2012.

The Draupne field is located to the west of Stavanger in the North Sea. The partners in the Draupne field have agreed with the partners in the Luno field on a coordinated development solution for the area. Draupne will be developed using a fixed platform with pre-processing, and the well stream will be transported from the Draupne platform to Luno for final processing and export to the markets.

Det norske is the operator and owner of 35 per cent of the Draupne license, together with Statoil (50 per cent) and Bayerngas Norge (15 per cent).

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