ATB Terminal, Tanjung Bin, Malaysia, Receives First Cargo

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 13 Apr 2012 11:43
Tags: asia malaysia storage vitol

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On April 10th, the ATB oil terminal in the Port of Pelepas, Tanjung Bin, owned and operated by VTTI, the 50/50 joint venture between Vitol and the Malaysian maritime conglomerate MISC received its first oil tanker alongside their deep draft jetty facilities. The MT “Kition”, a 100,000 DWT tanker has safely and successfully discharged at ATB's VLCC berth. The receipt of the first Fuel oil cargo from the MT Kition represents a significant milestone for the ATB oil terminal, offering new storage and logistics opportunities for petroleum products in the Singapore region at competitive rates.

The terminal is a grass-root project which began construction in September of 2009. The first phase consists of 41 oil storage tanks, totaling 841,000 cubic meters of storage for Fuel oil, Gasoline, and Middle Distillates. Phase 1 of the ATB oil terminal is designed to handle 20 million metric tons of oil products per annum, accommodating 5 seagoing tankers at once, and servicing its customers 24/7/365. Phase I of the terminal is already fully leased out to various clients, and ATB management is in the planning stages for phase II, with the ultimate goal of building 1.6 million cubic meters at the site, offering additional capacity for third parties by Q3-2013. Significant pre-investment has already been made in land improvements and infrastructures to ensure that Phase II can be ready in the soonest possible time.

The ATB terminal will set a new benchmark in the independent terminaling industry. Designed to comply with the highest industry and safety standards, whilst meeting the demanding storage requirements of oil traders, the terminal offers one of the highest levels of flexibility, product security, and load rates available in the commercial storage industry. The jetty carries four 30-inch fuel oil pipelines and an additional six pipelines for clean products.

According to VTTI’s spokesman, fuel oil can be loaded at a rate of 7,500 cbm/hour, middle distillates at 7,000 cbm/hour and light ends at 5,500 cbm/hour. Up to 15 simultaneous operations can be performed, all controlled by a highly automated system and managed by the VTTI proprietary Terminal Management System. Work on the terminal's fuel oil tanks is complete, while work on the middle distillates and gasoline tanks, are nearing completion and will be available for commercial use later in April.

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