Gazpromneft-Angara gets first commercial rates on Tympuchikanskoye oil field

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 24 Apr 2012 10:56
Tags: c-asia gazpromneft russia upstream

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As a result of hydraulic fracturing (HF) on the Tympuchikanskoye oil field, well no. 96 has begun to gush oil at a rate of 120 cubic metres per day.

The re-activation of the well began in mid-February. This was the first hydro fracturing in the sites of the Chona project (including the Tympuchikanskoye, Vakunaiskoye and Ignyalinskoye fields) in Eastern Siberia. No. 96 was the third well used for geological exploration of Chona.

Earlier rates obtained on the Tympuchikanskoye oil field did not exceed 5-10 cubic metres per day. These new results demonstrate the potential of further exploration of the sites of the Chona project. In 2012, a total of six previously-drilled wells are planned to be reopened and retested.


The license for the Tympuchikanskoye area was obtained in 2005, with licensing for the Vakunaiskoye and Ignyalinskoye areas received in 2007. The licenses are held by Gazpromneft-Angara. The Chona group of oil fields is located 80km from the Eastern Siberia – Pacific Ocean (ESPO) pipeline. In total, there are 58 wells drilled in the Chona areas. Besides, the company has shot 3000km of 2D seismics and around 100 square km of 3D seismics, drilled one exploration well, re-activated and retested two previously-drilled exploration wells.

In 2011 Gazprom Neft significantly increased Chona group reserves, up to 125 million tons of oil and 225 billion cubic metres of category C1 and C2 gas.

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