Shell Pipeline Houma-To-Houston Reversal Project Progressing

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 14 Jul 2012 07:26
Tags: n-america pipeline shell usa

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Shell Pipeline today announced that its Ho-Ho pipeline reversal project ("Ho-Ho Reversal") is progressing as per plan, based on shipper requests and new crude production and infrastructure coming online.

After the completion of this project, shippers will have access to markets and connectivity in Nederland and Port Arthur, Texas.

Through a Declaratory Order, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) recently approved the contract rates and capacity allocation for the Ho-Ho Reversal project. Shell Pipeline welcomes this decision that further supports this project.

The initial phase of Shell Pipeline’s Ho-Ho Reversal project will move crude oil from connecting pipelines and terminals in East Houston to Nederland and Port Arthur, thereby supplying the refining complex across the region with crude from Eagle Ford and Permian, as well as crude supplies from the Cushing, Oklahoma area. Phase I of the Ho-Ho Reversal project is designed to complement the new pipeline infrastructure that is currently being built to the Houston area.

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