ERCB approves Enbridge pipeline application

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 31 Aug 2012 20:17
Tags: canada enbridge n-america pipeline

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The Energy Resources Conservation Board (ERCB) has issued Decision 2012 ABERCB 009, which approves Enbridge Inc. applications to construct and operate two pump stations and a pipeline that would transport diluted bitumen from Fort McMurray to Sherwood Park.

The proposed pipeline route generally parallels several existing pipelines and is approximately 385 kilometres in length. It is proposed to transport an initial capacity of 400 000 barrels per day of diluted bitumen containing no hydrogen sulphide.

A number of parties objected to the applications, but after Enbridge altered the proposed route of the pipeline, several landowners withdrew their objections. All objections were resolved as of the beginning of the hearing, except one, from a party whose land had been included on the originally proposed route.

The ERCB held a hearing June 18-19 in Edmonton to consider the applications.

Alberta’s primary energy regulator announced today (August 30) that it approved Enbridge applications to construct and operate two pump stations and a pipeline that would transport diluted bitumen from Fort McMurray to Sherwood Park.

ERCB hearings are formal, quasi-judicial proceedings to ensure decisions are fair, responsible, and in the public interest. In assessing the public interest, the ERCB has regard for public safety, environmental stewardship, and resource conservation.

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