ТNК-ВР Investing Over 1 Billion Roubles Into Seismic Exploration In Orenburg And Samara Regions In 2012

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 05 Sep 2012 05:50
Tags: c-asia russia upstream ТnК-ВР

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ТNК-ВР will invest over 1 billion roubles to carry out 3D seismic exploration surveys in seven licence blocks in the Orenburg and Samara Regions in 2012.

To date, the company has acquired seismic data covering 759 sq km out of a total of 1601 sq km to be recorded before the end of the year. These operations are largely concentrated within six licences in Orenburg, most of which are close to the existing oilfield infrastructure owned by Orenburgneft, a TNK-BP subsidiary. This helps minimize capital expenditures for building surface facilities and maximize the economic value of the field development projects.

“Currently, we are in the first phase of the seismic project. By the end of the year, we need to process and interpret the acquired seismic data and develop 5-year subsurface exploration programs to be followed up with well engineering designs in 2013. The plan is to produce first oil in 2014 and proceed to full-field development in 2015”, said Igor Rustamov, General Director of Orenburgneft.

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