Tesoro Refining and Marketing: Black Wax and Yellow Wax Processing Project

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 14 Sep 2012 05:51
Tags: n-america refinery tesoro usa

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Tesoro Refining and Marketing Company (Tesoro) proposes to construct and operate a "black wax" crude and "yellow wax" crude processing project at their existing refinery located in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah. The project involves the addition of expanded crude unloading, additional crude storage tanks, miscellaneous upgrades in pumps and heat exchangers to handle heavier crude feedstock, and several upgrades at the crude unit, fluid catalytic cracking unit (FCC), vapor recovery unit (VRU) and distillate desulfurization unit (DDU). Tesoro requested changes will result in an increase of actual emissions from the increased utilization of existing equipment as well as the potential emissions from the proposed new equipment. Tesoro has not requested to increase their existing permit cap limits which will remain in place.

Tesoro submitted a Notice of Intent (NOI) for the Black Wax portion of this project on September 21, 2011. A revised NOI was submitted on December 21, 2011. The revise NOI incorporated the yellow wax portion of the project. For specific questions about this project, please contact project manager John Jenks at 801-536-4459 or by e-mail.

Intent to Approve (ITA)

The Waxy Crude Processing Project ITA provides Tesoro the capability to process black and yellow waxy crude produced in the Uintah Basin. This ITA includesnew equipment, equipment replacement and process improvement.The existing permit emission caps will not be increased. There will be an actual emissions increase, but the actual emissions will remain below the existing permit emission caps. Our analysis concludes that the emissions will meet existing air quality requirements. The changes from the NOI result in the modification of two Approval Orders (AO).The emissions changes from both AOs, as well as three previously approved AOs (meet the criteria of aggregated projects), were evaluated together as one project. Two ITA's were prepared and are available for comment as a result of this action.

Tesoro is located in Salt Lake County which is a non-attainment area for criteria pollutants, including fine particulate (PM2.5). The State is developing a plan to reduce PM2.5pollution, and that plan is expected to be completed by the end of 2012. It is anticipated that the changes being implemented as a result of this action shouldmeet the requirements of the PM2.5 implementation plan, but this can't be determined until the PM2.5 implementation plan has been finalized.All emissions sources at the refinery will be evaluated in conjunction with the PM2.5 implementation plan

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