OGX Maranhão obtained Operation Permit for commencement of production of natural gas in the Parnaíba Basin

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 26 Sep 2012 05:37
Tags: brazil ogx s-america upstream

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OGX Petroleo e Gas Participacoes SA ("Company" or "OGX") (Bovespa: OGXP3, OTC: OGXPY.PK), the Brazilian oil and natural gas accounts for the largest exploratory campaign private in Brazil, announced today that OGX Maranhão has obtained the Operating License, authorizing the commencement of production and marketing of natural gas fields and Royal Hawk Blue Hawk in Parnaíba Basin. The license was issued by the State Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources of Maranhão (SEMA / MA).

The development project of Camp Hawk Real is well advanced and on schedule. All production wells have been drilled and are in the process of completion and interconnection to the Gas Treatment Unit (GTU). The production of natural gas in the Field of Real Hawk will begin in Q4 of this year, with the commissioning of the UTG, and turbines Thermoelectric Complex MPX Parnaíba and commercial production will occur in early 2013.

OGX Maranhão, an entity formed by OGX SA (66.6%) and MPX Energia SA (33.3%) is the operator and holds a 70% interest in block PN-T-68, where are the fields Hawk Royal Blue and Hawk, while Petra Energia SA holds the remaining 30%.

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