Enbridge Receives Regulatory Approval for Woodland Pipeline Extension

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 30 Sep 2012 08:19
Tags: canada enbridge n-america pipeline

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Enbridge Pipelines (Woodland) Inc., an affiliate of Enbridge Inc. (TSX:ENB) (NYSE:ENB), has received approval from the Alberta Energy Resources Conservation Board to construct the Woodland Pipeline Extension Project. The project will involve construction of a 36 inch diameter line approximately 385 km from Enbridge's Cheecham regional oil sands terminal to its mainline hub terminal at Edmonton, effectively twinning Enbridge's existing Waupisoo Pipeline. The project is estimated to require an investment of approximately $1.0 to $1.4 billion for an initial capacity of 400,000 barrels per day (bpd), expandable to 800,000 bpd. The estimated investment remains subject to finalization of scope and a definitive cost estimate.

The new line is committed to accommodate anticipated growth in production from the Kearl oil sands project, and is required for expected needs from other projects already connected to Enbridge's regional oil sands system, or expected to be connected. The commercial terms are likely to parallel those of the base Woodland Pipeline. Enbridge has not yet received final commercial approval to initiate field construction from shippers, but anticipates it will do so in time to achieve a 2015 in-service date. Pre-construction development costs are being backstopped by shippers pending final commercial approval.

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