Average Productıon Of Pre-Salt Is Over 200 Thousand Barrels / Day For The Second Month In A Row For The Fırst Team

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 04 Oct 2012 10:56
Tags: brazil s-america upstream

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The average production of pre-salt layer in August was 203.2 Mboe / d, and 168.6 Mbbl / d of oil and 5.5 million cubic meters of natural gas. Despite the decline of 2.7% in the previous month, this was the second largest pre-salt production, second only to July. production was derived from The wells located in 10 fields Humpback (1) Lula (5), Caratinga and Barracuda (1), Marlim Leste (1), Marlin and Flying (1) and Barracuda (1 .) Of these ten wells, seven are among the 30 largest producers, Especially the Lula field, Which has three wells among the top five producers, including the largest producer of the month (7LL3DRJS), Which Showed average flow of 36.8 Mboe / d .

In August, the average oil production of Brazil was Approximately 2006 Mbbl / d, down 2.2% Compared to August 2011 and 0.8% in the previous month.

The production of gas Increased by 7.4% Compared to the same month last year and 0.7% Compared with July. burning of natural gas The fell by 21% Compared to August 2011 and Remained stable Compared to the previous month.

The Marlim Sul field in the Campos Basin, was the largest of oil production and the second largest producer of natural gas, totaling 312.8 Mboe / d. was the largest gas producer the Manati Field, in the basin of Camamu (coast of Bahia) with an average production of 6.7 million m³. use of natural gas The in the production phase was 95.2%.

Of the 20 largest producing oil fields and natural gas, two are operated by foreign companies: Statoil (Pilgrim) and Shell (Oyster). Fields Petrobras accounted for 93.8% of oil and natural gas production last month. About 91% of oil production and 76.5% of natural gas production from offshore fields were Exploited.

The average API gravity of the oil was produced in August Approximately 24 º, and 9% of production is Considered light oil (> = 31 º API), 57% medium oil (> = 22 and <31 ° API) and 34% heavy oil (<22 API).

The production of oil and natural gas in August 9019 was derived from wells, 752 seafarers and land 8267.

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